
Hi! Welcome to my work in progress attempt to join the 21st century and become a "blogger"! Be sure to check out my etsy shop featuring hand knit original accessories and photo props...


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Monday, January 19, 2015

For Everything There Is A Season

2015 New Design... Double Cable In Ivory
This time of year I find myself reflecting.  Reflecting on my business over the past 12 months... what worked and what Not. So. Much.  Most years, when the holidays are over, I am desperately in need of some slow down time and spend the majority of my knitting time catching up and re-stocking all those beautiful hand knits that are no longer ready-to-ship... and this year is no different.  I always get a little nervous when over 50% of my shop is not ready-to-ship inventory.  But, then as winter becomes spring and spring becomes summer, I focus so hard on getting my shop stocked for the busy fall & holiday season, that I forget to design and try new stitch combinations and/or color combinations.  I forget how very much I love being creative and the actual process of developing and designing. 
Enter custom requests.  Receiving a custom request forces me to use my creative side and work up new patterns and new color combinations for my customers... and my shop!  And, it reminds me of how very much I love playing with yarns, working with fibers and creating through design & color.  This year I was fortunate to have several such requests.   Some of these requests were so much fun to knit that they are in the process of becoming regular hand knits that will be seen in my shop as 2015 New Designs.  One such is an extra wide and extra long double cable design that wraps and drapes beautifully.  Thanks to those of you that trust me to work up something new... I have the best customers!

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