
Hi! Welcome to my work in progress attempt to join the 21st century and become a "blogger"! Be sure to check out my etsy shop featuring hand knit original accessories and photo props...


Warm... Comfy... Trendy... Fun...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Knitting & Blogging... Blogging & Knitting...


This time of year sales start to slow down and I am able to catch up on items "not ready to ship" and also work on new designs. This year is not really different, although I am getting more orders from Australia (which I love) since they will soon be entering into their winter.  What IS different is that, although I have seriously neglected this blog, I have begun writing another one.

I had a rather difficult winter and after many doctor visits and endless tests it was determined that I should consider a special food plan. A VERY restrictive food plan.  It is called a Low FODMAP diet and if you are interested, please feel free to join me over at:


In between my writings, I will be taking this time to play "catch up" in my shop and brainstorm new pattern ideas for fall! Stay Tuned...

Warm... Comfy... Trendy... Fun... 

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