
Hi! Welcome to my work in progress attempt to join the 21st century and become a "blogger"! Be sure to check out my etsy shop featuring hand knit original accessories and photo props...


Warm... Comfy... Trendy... Fun...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hand Knit Stripes Have Arrived...

Pumpkins, raking leaves, Friday night football, steaming homemade soup, hot cocoa with mini marshmallows floating on top... Fall, my favorite season, is here!

There is such comfort in putting on a sweatshirt and your favorite blue jeans and taking a walk soaking up the bright blue sky with warm sunshine illuminating down on a gorgeous palette of changing color.  The colors seem so much more vibrant this time of year! 

These fall colors (some of my favorite) and the cool evenings entice me to sit down with my favorite knitting needles, soft colorful yarns by my side, and knit scarves.  This year I've added a gorgeous line up of vertical stripes using favorite color combinations.  Colors that remind me of something or just make me smile. And, like a bowl of my favorite homemade soup comforts me and warms up my belly on a cool evening - wrapping up in a favorite comfy scarf warms up my soul! 

Perfect as a gift for you, a treasured friend or a special loved one!

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