
Hi! Welcome to my work in progress attempt to join the 21st century and become a "blogger"! Be sure to check out my etsy shop featuring hand knit original accessories and photo props...


Warm... Comfy... Trendy... Fun...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oodles Of Noodles ~ Ready, Set, Action!

I've written a lot about my "Oodles of Noodles" fringe blankets... this time of year they are my best sellers! But, I never had a photograph of one in action to share. Until now~ Terra Herring Photography from Kansas shared this terrific portrait of one of her little clients. Doesn't she do awesome work? It was such a thrill to see one of my designs/creations at work! ***A huge thank you to Terra of Terra Herring Photography out of Ozawkie, KS for sharing her terrific portrait! If you are in her neck of the woods and need a professional photographer, be sure to check her out!


Audrey said...

That's an awesome pic!! One of my friends has a shop on etsy crocheting hats. Once she got some professional photographers taking pics of her hats - sales went insane!! hope the same happens to you!
Thanks for the comment on my blog - that quote is a good one - writing it down.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog...really cool picture of your basket.

trudette said...

This is a very cute and lovely picture , your 'Oodles of Noodles' fringe blankets are awesome !
This will sure get your sales up even more .

LillyShayStyle said...

What a cool fringe blanket and a great idea for baby photos!
Its a wonderful feeling when you see someone using one of your creations.