
Hi! Welcome to my work in progress attempt to join the 21st century and become a "blogger"! Be sure to check out my etsy shop featuring hand knit original accessories and photo props...


Warm... Comfy... Trendy... Fun...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

~The Art Of Packaging~

I often wonder what my customers think when they receive their Oodles of Noodles packages. I imagine them questioning "How did she get that blanket and all that fringe into such a tiny box?" But, rest assured that after removing, if you give your new photo prop a good shake it will be ready to work hard for you to help create that perfect portrait memory of all your precious little clients!

Hodge Podge Oodles of Noodles spread out and ready to be packaged!

Fold oodley noodley fringe from two opposite sides in towards the center.

Fold final two sides of oodley noodley fringe in towards the center.

Roll oodles of noodles baby blanket burrito style!

Fold neatly in tissue paper, add a sticker and tie with a pretty ribbon.

Always, Always, Always send a handwritten note and include a business card. I love my customers ~ I want them to know just how much!

Fold in half, and place into a priority mail box. Tape securely to keep moisture out and fill out a delivery confirmation slip ~ And, it's ready to be taken to the post office and shipped to some lucky customer!


TheTinyGarden said...

What a great item for photo shoots, I hope sometime you can post a picture with a baby on your creation. Maybe one of your customers will send you a sample. Very nice packaging, I definitely need to work on adding a note to each package as you do, If I get another order soon that is...

trudette said...

I am glad I found your Blog , very nice and secure packaging,
I will be following you from now on :)

Rachel Lavern said...

Now that is what I call a 'labor of love'. Very impressive!

Rachel Lavern