
Hi! Welcome to my work in progress attempt to join the 21st century and become a "blogger"! Be sure to check out my etsy shop featuring hand knit original accessories and photo props...


Warm... Comfy... Trendy... Fun...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

WOW ~ I Was Nominated For The Pink Lemonaid Award!

I was nominated by Rustic Candles... Thanks!

Here are the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 - 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3. Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to your post.

Here are my nominees:

1. TheSupplyCloset.etsy.com ~ craftyhangover.blogspot.com
2. PerpetualPlum.etsy.com
3. AudreysCountryCrafts.etsy.com ~ audreyscountrycrafts.blogspot.com
4. CardsandNotes.etsy.com
5. AntiqueBasketLady.etsy.com
6. LostRiverRags.etsy.com ~ LostRiverRags.blogspot.com
7. LillyQueen.etsy.com ~ lillyqueenjewelry.blogspot.com
8. PinkPaisleyPolkaDots.etsy.com
9. NicholasandFelice.etsy.com
10. Paulasstressart.etsy.com

Please be sure to check out all these awesome shops and artists!